Specialist ASC Provision within ‘Silver Block’

The Ridgeway School and Sixth Form College have developed a Specialist Resource for Students with Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC). It is the third of its kind in the Swindon Borough. The Provision is based within a purpose built ‘Silver Block’ within the school.

The Silver Block has room for 20 students (4 per year) in Key Stage 3 and 4. The Silver Block offers a benefit to the mainstream school as it boosts knowledge and understanding of special needs and disabilities within the school community.

The Silver Block is designed so that the students will be able to satelite out from in order to access the mainstream school. The Silver Block will act as a fall back when school life causes anxiety or stress or an area for 1-2-1 and group work.

The Silver Block offers a personalised and individualised educational programme met within a mainstream setting. Social communication and interaction needs are met with 1-2-1 sessions, support in class, social experiences and a counsellor to meet objectives of each students statements.

Students are collapsed off of the timetable on a Wednesday afternoon for activities with a lower academic demand but balance with a higher social demand. These include activities on and off the school site.

During these activities trusted adults support the students to lower anxiety around an enriching and novel experience. This develops social interaction and communication within the known group in a range of settings. This makes other experiences less daunting and stretches flexibility of mind sets.

Fridays afternoons are also used as a motivational hour to reward students when their individual targets are met.

Diagram Below shows visually how often students are regularly withdrawn for group activities.

The approach in the setting is needs led; this provides clear guidance for all students, with explicit expectations that are being made to them, within the supportive structure of the SRP.

A placement within the Silver Block is decided by the local educational authority.

Meet the team

Mr W Rosier ASC SRP Manager

Mrs K Hussain Assistant ASC SRP Manager

Mrs K Rowe Assistant ASC SRP Manager

Mrs C Elkins Senior ASC LSA

Miss L Gray Admin Support Assistant (ASC & SEN)


Mrs W Chokdar ASC LSA

Mr L Ferris ASC LSA

Mrs J Georgiou ASC LSA


Miss J Hilton ASC LSA

Miss J Hughes ASC LSA

Mrs P Cull ASC LSA

Ms M Little ASC LSA

Mrs B Loveridge Senior ASC LSA

Mr W Newman ASC LSA

Miss A Smalley ASC LSA

Mr M Smith ASC LSA

Mrs D Jefferies Cover ASC LSA

The Ridgeway Silver Block Ethos

  • Environment To provide a safe, nurturing environment where students can feel welcome, valued and be stretched to develop into confident rounded individuals.
  • Education We can offer a high standard of academic education provision provided by The Ridgeway School along with balancing this with individual packages to meet the unique needs of our learners; socially, emotionally and inclusive of life skills.
  • Community We aim to include and support our students to play as full a part as possible of their whole school community, feel valued as part of their own ASC Community, while finally helping them discover their place within the wider community of Swindon and beyond.
  • Support Students will be provided with a balance of support in mainstream sessions, 1-2-1 and group withdrawal dependent on their need. Students are assigned and develop a relationship with a Key Worker; who also acts as a main point of contact for the student and their family.
  • Beyond We aim to arm our students with an ability to become more confident, flexible, resilient and independent; while preparing them for their future.