All R6 students have access to JSTOR, an extensive digital library containing articles from more than 2600 journals, academic e-books and 2 million primary sources. This resource supports all disciplines taught in R6, especially those in the Social Sciences, Humanities, Sciences and the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). Use of JSTOR not only supports directed R6 study, but enables students to access peer-reviewed scholarly research not freely available online, to support wider reading outside of the curriculum, UCAS preparation and academic interviews.

JSTOR is also a core resource used at University, and R6 students are encouraged to use it here in R6 to develop research skills in preparedness for post-18 educational life. Workshops are offered by our school librarians to introduce R6 students to JSTOR and its features.


JSTOR provides access to more than 2600 journals in the humanities, social sciences, and sciences. You can search the full text, titles, authors, and abstracts, or browse by journal title or discipline. JSPOR adds new issues of existing titles and new titles on an ongoing basis.

Free access for R6 Students to:

Primary Sources

More than 2 million primary sources across four collections: Global Plants, 19th Century British Pamphlets, Struggles for Freedom: South Africa, and World Heritage Sites: Africa. The artifacts, specimens, and documents in the collections are scanned at high resolution to enable detailed inspection of each item.


Complimentary access to 3,200 e-book titles covering 40 disciplines, including History, Language & Literature, and Political Science. E-book chapters will appear alongside journal articles when you search on JSTOR. The e-book chapters are just as easy to use as journal articles, with unlimited simultaneous access, downloads, and printing.

Information Literacy & Study Skills

Whilst information literacy and study skills are embedded in every taught lesson, additional advice and guidance is provided by the school librarians to mentor groups during R6+ sessions. Regular workshops are offered on a sign-up and on request basis throughout the school year, with each workshop offered having a corresponding Help Sheet which are available to download below.

Information Literacy & Study Skills

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