R6 Staff

Miss S Collins - Head of Year 13


As Head of Year in R6, I work with the fantastic R6 leadership team to ensure all students are making progress towards their intended outcomes and work closely with them to ensure they make the right next step for them; onto university, apprenticeships or employment. I work alongside the team of dedicated R6 mentors to develop and provide a pastoral programme, which supports students in approaching their studies, self-directing their work and balancing academic commitments with extra-curricular activities. It is my passion to ensure all pupils progress regardless of ability, gender or background and equip every student with the skills and confidence to thrive at The Ridgeway School and beyond.

Mrs R Brake – Assistant Head of Sixth Form


As the Assistant Head of R6, my primary focus is on the pastoral care for the students in year 12 and 13. Day-to-day, my job can be as the 'go to' for quick and simple questions. I can signpost to the relevant people in order to help students. This might be mentors, the R6 Team, or offer advice on next steps, how to get there. Sometimes my job will be to be a listening ear when things feel tough and overwhelming. I am here to make sure they feel looked after and cared for at school.

I also work closely with their subject teachers and, alongside the R6 Team, ensure they are getting all the support they need and a secure overall package of positive wellbeing, care and education. I am responsible for the mentoring programme, ensuring a range of themes and current issues and topics are covered. It also allows students to reflect on their progress and next steps.

I also oversee post-18 progression, including careers, personal statement and reference applications for university and work shadowing opportunities. To ensure students enjoy their time in R6, I oversee the student leadership and offer the Peer Student which allows students to give back to the wider community in lower school and use their own experiences to help others. My ultimate goal is to support students for when they leave R6 and encourage a real sense of independence, responsibility and fun.

Mrs Amy Midson - Sixth Form Student Advisor


As the R6 Student Support Advisor, I provide students the opportunity to access extra support either with me directly, a referral to in school services, such as counselling, or outside agencies. R6 is an inclusive and friendly environment and I enjoy being part of this. Some of the ways in which I can help students include a listening service, study skills sessions, assistance with applications and planning for next steps. I work closely with the R6 team and students to help remove barriers to learning. It is such a pleasure to see the students at R6 take up opportunities, build resilience and work towards their goals.

Mrs S Hoyland - Sixth Form Student Administrator

I am a non-teaching member of the sixth form, I work with the students to ensure they are registered, organised and making the most of their Independent Study time. I am the first port of call for parents and students as I am responsible for the calls coming into the R6 department and my office is based right in the middle of the Study Centre. I track and monitor behaviour data whilst working closely with the R6 team to ensure the students stay on track. A big focus of mine is attendance tracking and I am responsible for the set-up of early intervention if attendance falls below our expectations. This helps us develop strong relationships and ensure students make the most of their time at R6 to help with their future decisions.