All students are able to log on to the school library system (Accessit) in order to see when their books are due back. At all times, students are encouraged to come and have a friendly chat to the librarian to discuss any concerns or problems.

  • First Reminder - When a book is two weeks overdue, students receive an email reminding them to return or renew their books
  • Second Reminder- After a further two weeks overdue, students receive an email asking them to come and speak to one of the librarians.
  • First Letter to Parent - After a further two weeks (book is now 6 weeks overdue), parents/guardians receive an email asking them to encourage their student to have a good look for the book.
  • Final Letter to Parent - The final email is sent two weeks later (book is now 8 weeks overdue). Parents/guardians receive an email notifying them that the replacement cost will be added to Parentpay, and mentors are copied in for completeness.

All of these dates make allowances for school holidays.

Damaged BooksIf a book becomes damaged while in your child's possession, please encourage them to come and talk to us in order to come up with a solution. If a book is returned damaged, parents/guardians will be notified, and the replacement cost added to Parentpay. "