Here you will find links to fun activities and interesting resources from websites, organisations and museums across the World. Hope you enjoy! - The Ridgeway History Team

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Words From History...

'To forsee the future [you] must consult the past, for human events ever resemble those of preceding times'

- Niccolò Machiavelli (1469-1527: a Florentine statesman & advisor, famously wrote his book of advice for leaders - The Prince)

On This Month in History...

4 July 1776: The Congress of the self-proclaimed 'United States' pass the Declaration of Independence (from being part of the British Empire).


9 July 1877: The first Lawn Tennis (men's) Championship played at Wimbledon, to raise money for a new lawn roller.


20 July 1969: During the Cold War Space Race, 'Eagle' lands and mankind takes the first steps on the Moon.


28 July 1540: Henry VIII executes advisor Thomas Cromwell, then marries Catherine Howard.


6 June 1944: D-Day, Allied forces from 12 countries began the fight to liberate France by landing on the beaches of Normandy.

History Highlights This Month...

'Now you know: The History of LGBTQ+' by The Ellen Show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkzwDOCEDCo&t=111s

'Ancient Recipes with Sohla' by History Channel: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLob1mZcVWOah2EMcifmpiZWPYofk4Hr0q

The Topics Section

Welcome to the topics section! Below you will find links to great History resources from around the internet...


Ancient History Encyclopedia: https://www.ancient.eu/?

BBC History in depth: http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/british/

BBC Homeschool History podcasts: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000hmmf/episodes/downloads

BBC Teach: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/ks3-history/zhbdpg8

British Library, Online Resources: https://www.bl.uk/learning/online-resources

British Library, Timeline: Sources from History: http://www.bl.uk/learning/histcitizen/timeline/accessvers/index.html

English Heritage, The Story of England: https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/learn/story-of-england/

The National Archives, great sources and activities on a range of topics/ time periods: https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/education/sessions-and-resources/

The National Archives, Online Exhibitions: https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/online-exhibitions/

Timeline World History Documentaries: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC88lvyJe7aHZmcvzvubDFRg/featured


The Domesday Book Online (1087), Wiltshire entries: http://www.domesdaybook.co.uk/wiltshire.html

?'The History of Swindon' by Swindonweb: http://www.swindonweb.com/index.asp?m=8&s=116&ss=320&t=THE+HISTORY+OF+OLD+TOWN

?Wiltshire Council, Wiltshire History (from Ancient History to Present Day): https://history.wiltshire.gov.uk/ and Histories of the 261 Wiltshire communities: https://history.wiltshire.gov.uk/community/

?Wiltshire and Swindon Heritage Centre: http://wshc.eu/


American Library of Congress, Online Exhibitions (including American suffragettes, comic books, art and civil rights): https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/

'Asia for Educators' by the University of Columbia, Asian History activities, videos and primary sources from their digital collections: http://afe.easia.columbia.edu/

Bodmin Keep: Cornwall's Army Museum, Second World War activities and resources: https://bodminkeep.org/schools/learning-resources-2/

British Museum, Museum of the World timeline: https://britishmuseum.withgoogle.com/

British Museum, Online tour: https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/galleries#virtual-galleries

English Heritage, histories (including black, gender and LGBTQ+ history): https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/learn/histories/

Google Arts & Culture Project, Time Explorer: https://artsandculture.google.com/time?date=1000

Imperial War Museum, Voices of the First World War: https://www.iwm.org.uk/VoicesOfTheFirstWorldWar

Musicmap by Kwinten Crauwels - An epic project, a family tree (of sorts) tracking the history and development of modern pop(ular) music from the 1870s to the Present Day: https://musicmap.info/

?Tate Britain: 'Aftermath: Art in the Wake of World War One' exhibition: https://www.tate.org.uk/whats-on/tate-britain/exhibition/aftermath/exhibition-guide

'The History of Photography' by The National Science & Media Museum, Bradford: https://www.scienceandmediamuseum.org.uk/objects-and-stories/history-photography

The National Army Museum: https://ww1.nam.ac.uk/

'The NHS: A Difficult Beginning', a fascinating 2008 BBC documentary on the origins of the National Health Service: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ywP8wjfOx4

'Video Game History' by The Strong National Museum of Play, New York: https://www.museumofplay.org/about/icheg/video-game-history/timeline?


Travel to some of the greatest historical sites and museums around the world in the click of a button, thanks to the Google Arts & Culture Project:

The British Museum, London - https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/the-british-museum

Baths of Diocletian, Rome - https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/terme-di-diocleziano

The Eiffel Tower, Paris - https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/tour-eiffel

German Historical Museum, Berlin - ?https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/deutsches-historisches-museum

German Rontgen Museum, Germany - https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/deutsches-roentgen-museum

Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt (last of the 7 ancient wonders, built 4581 years ago for Pharaoh Khufu) - https://artsandculture.google.com/streetview/9QEh91uq-NJ9BA?sv_lng=31.13178068127962&sv_lat=29.97772012076407&sv_h=174.62671176470008&sv_p=15.645009158027733&sv_pid=Uz4T6k1e4PyjSNJRLt9KdQ&sv_z=0.9999999999999993

Machu Picchu, Peru (the fifteenth century Inca city in the clouds) - https://artsandculture.google.com/streetview/santuario-historico-de-machu-picchu-casa-de-los-nobles/aQFExMrHgP-cnQ?sv_lng=-72.5449748168174&sv_lat=-13.16402863344787&sv_h=9&sv_p=-7&sv_pid=7Teak5G7DlGXB9DTZSjEEQ&sv_z=1

Museum of Human Evolution, Spain - https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/museo-de-la-evolucion-humana

National Archaeological Museum of Naples, Italy - https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/national-archaeological-museum-of-naples

National Museum of Korea, South Korea - https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/national-museum-of-korea

National Museum New Dehli - India - https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/national-museum-delhi

Smithsonian's National Air & Space Museum, Washington D.C. - https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/smithsonian-national-air-and-space-museum

Polish History Museum, Warsaw - https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/polish-history-museum

Taj Mahal, India (perhaps the World's greatest monument to love, built 1632-1653) - https://artsandculture.google.com/streetview/IgGJcPeTu3akmQ?sv_lng=78.04165691338596&sv_lat=27.17461803808575&sv_h=48.94222640991211&sv_p=0&sv_pid=IIxpy1tvfu4AAAGun7polw&sv_z=1.274361118298376

Versailles Palace, France - https://artsandculture.google.com/partner/palace-of-versailles

See also:

'Christian Dior: (Fashion) Designer of Dreams', one of the most popular exhibitions in the Victoria & Albert Museum, showcasing the work of this famous fashion designer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NyxCWBe5SC8

Sistine Chapel (Vatican Museums), Italy - http://www.museivaticani.va/content/museivaticani/en/collezioni/musei/cappella-sistina/tour-virtuale.html


Isambard Kingdom Brunel (1806-1859), the great engineer of the industrial age: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdOrpAt1t7M

Ada Lovelace (1815-1852), mathematician and "the first computer programmer”: https://findingada.com/about/who-was-ada/

Stanislav Petrov (1939-2017), Soviet officer, "The man who saved the world" in 1983: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-24280831

Otto Rohwedder (1880-1960),? "the greatest thing since [Otto] sliced bread." https://lemelson.mit.edu/resources/otto-frederick-rohwedder

Harriet Tubman (c.1820s-1913), an ex-slave who risked her life to free hundreds: https://www.biography.com/activist/harriet-tubman

Mary Wollstonecraft (1797-1859), considered by many to be the "Mother of feminism": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6nyX1c5jjw


ASDA: A family butchers + a group of dairy farmers + trip to the U.S.A. = UK's first self-service supermarket in Yorkshire 1965 - https://corporate.asda.com/our-story/our-history

Barclays Bank: London 1690, goldsmiths John Freame and his brother-in-law Thomas Gould start providing finance to traders - https://home.barclays/who-we-are/our-history/

British Airways: 1919, first flight, 1 person to Paris - https://www.britishairways.com/en-gb/information/about-ba/history-and-heritage/explore-our-past

Kentucky Fried Chicken (K.F.C.): Kentucky 1930, 40 year old Harland Sanders starts selling fried chicken from his petrol station - https://www.kfc.co.uk/colonels-story

Marks & Spencers (M&S): Leeds 1884, Belarus-born Michael Marks starts a penny bazaar (selling items for a penny) - https://marksintime.marksandspencer.com/ms-history

McDonalds: California 1948, brothers 'Dick' and 'Mac' McDonald create new 'Speedee' way of making burgers - https://corporate.mcdonalds.com/corpmcd/about-us/history.html

Tesco: London 1919, Jack Cohen returns from WW1 and starts selling spare groceries making £1 profit on his first day - https://www.tescoplc.com/about/our-history/

Thanks for visiting! Hope to see you again :{D