The 16 to 19 tuition fund is a £96 million one-off fund for the 2020 to 2021 academic year only. It is ring fenced funding for schools, colleges and all other 16 to 19 providers to support small group tuition for 16 to 19 students in English, ;aths, and other courses where learning has been disrupted. For example, vocational courses where assessments has been deferred because of lockdown.

The tuition fund is provided by the Department for Education as a direct contribution to address the impact of 'the disruption to learning' caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
The funding must be used to support R6 students that did not achieve a Grade 4 or higher in either English or maths. This additional funding made available to Ridgeway School Sixth Form (R6) to support these students for the academic year 2020-21 is £1837

Disadvantaged students and those with specific SEND will be prioritised in the allocation of the additional small group tuition, in line with the published DfE guidance.

The funding will be invested in the following areas

Focus Intended outcome Amount
3:1 small group tuition (Maths) Developing confidence in core maths skills through revisiting and reinforcing key concepts and knowledge from GCSE £800
Specialist resources/equipment Access to blended learning /VLE and learning resources to practice and receive feedback linking taught lessons with additional tuition £600
1:1 Mentoring support Supporting students with the confidence and skills to support learning and address SEMH challenges through disrupted learning £400

Sixth Form students are able to request support through a bursary scheme. This will be determined by household income. The bursary scheme can support students with resources, travelling to school, educational trips and visits and with any course relevant materials.

Any questions relating to this should be sent to the Sixth Form Student Advisor, Amy Midson, at midsona@ridgewayschool.com.