Hillier's Memorial Service...
What a privilege it was to be invited to provide a choir for the Hilliers Memorial service this afternoon at Christ Church. A beautiful and emotional service.
Once again our students demonstrated great professionalism, maturity and musicianship. We are very proud of you and thank you for giving up your time on a Sunday to represent your school so wonderfully.
Mrs R Jankinson

European Day of Languages - 26th September
To mark the European Day of Languages this year at Ridgeway, we hosted lots of year 7 students and their parents on Tuesday morning for a continental style breakfast before school. There were all kinds of treats to eat and drink including pains au chocolat, churros and lots of different juices. Parents said it was a really positive way to start their day.
We are also running a competition where students watch a video of people in our school speaking lots of different languages and try to figure out which language is being spoken. There are prizes for the winners and it's not too late to enter: 
Mr J Robertson

Year 12 and 13 History and Politics visit Worcester College...
We had a fantastic visit to Bristol on Wednesday 4th October to see Robert Gildea, Emeritus Professor of History at Worcester College, the University of Oxford. 12 of our Year 12 and 13 History and Politics students came along to see his brilliant lecture on the impact of the 1984-1985 Miners’ Strikes on mining communities across Great Britain. Professor Gildea’s lecture was based on the life history interview technique and gave our R6 students a wonderfully in-depth view of the impact of the strikes on women, families and the social structure of mining communities in addition to the ongoing campaigns for justice and support due to joblessness and the health issues suffered by so many miners. 2 of our students & Mr. Adair posed some thought-provoking questions during the questions & answers stage of the lecture with a focus on how universal the strikes were and how certain strikes reflected nationalist trends in Wales and Scotland and the role of women in the strikes.
This was a magnificent opportunity for our R6 students to experience what a university history lecture is like and we will be following up and will continue to offer R6 students the opportunity to attend this lectures which occur on a near monthly basis. 
Mr D Voisey

Year 9 Netball Team Vs Deanery School...
On Wednesday we travelled away to play our local rivals, The Deanery! It was our local derby game and we are please to say we won!!! Which was a massive improvement from the other game a few weeks before. It was amazing how we all worked together as a team to get the ball into the hoop, we had great communication, supported each other through the game and had great advise. We even battled the elements after a down pour of rain to maintain our lead. We combined all those skills and managed to win 16-2 and go home with a smile on our faces.
Well done to the whole team: Michelle Kodie, Maya Mundy-Porcic, Poppy Fisher, Clara Fatica, Julia Peiron, Isabella Messenger, Demi Hagan, Olivia Reed
Players of the Match: Michelle Kodie & Maya Mundy-Porcic
Miss S Collins

Career Education, Advice and Guidance...
We are pleased to welcome our new Level 6 Careers Advisor Liz Lloyd, who will be working with students to provide them with independent careers advice and guidance. All students are entitled to independent careers advice and can request an appointment by emailing For further details please see poster below.
Mrs G Allbrook-Dunn