Once again, we are delighted to celebrate the hard work and achievement of our Year 13 students in completing their journey at The Ridgeway School. This set of A level results are the school’s best results and are testament to the quality of education here at The Ridgeway. The students, staff, and families have worked tirelessly together, and it is a real pleasure to see them successfully moving on to their next exciting destination. The class of 2024 will see over 80% of the year group head to university, with others taking up excellent employment and apprenticeship positions.

With 33% of grades at A* or A, and approximately 60% at grades A*-B, the students are leaving The Ridgeway with the qualifications they need to open doors to their futures. We are particularly proud that a quarter of our students achieved AAB or better in their subjects.

Some notable successes include:

Ewan Ridge: A* in Maths, Further Maths and an A in Computer Science

Tia Loveridge: A* in Art and Graphics and a Distinction in Applied Business

Hannah Spackman: A* in Maths, Graphics and an A in Geography

Alex Steimer: A* in Law, Economics and an A in History

Aidan Vallender: A* in Economics, Maths and an A in Physics and an A in EPQ

Lucy Walker: A* in Biology, Chemistry and Maths and an A in Further Maths

Sophie Walker: A* in Biology, Chemistry and Maths

Ben Wigley: A* in Maths and Physics, A in Computer Science and Further Maths and an A in EPQ

Adrian Cush, Principal, said

“Today’s outstanding results are testament to the hard work and dedication from these fantastic young people, their families, and our staff. Working with this group has truly been a pleasure and I have no doubt these young people will move on to great successes and we wish them all the best”.

Simon Cowley, interim CEO at The White Horse Federation, said:

“Huge congratulations to all our students! You have bright futures ahead and we look forward to seeing what you go on to achieve in the future. 

I also want to thank all our staff for continually going above and beyond to support students and all the parents and carers for their continued support, which we greatly appreciate.”

We would like to thank all our families who have worked with us to support our young people through their time in our Sixth Form. We are proud of the young adults leaving us and know that they will go on to great things. We will miss them all but are thankful for the impact that they have had on our community at The Ridgeway School.