The Work of the Local Governing Body

The Local Governing Body (LGB) plays a central role in the management of the academy, with its main aims to drive up standards of achievement for all students and to make sure that resources are used well to give every student the best possible education. It does not involve getting involved in the day-to-day running of the academy, which is the responsibility of the principal and staff, and it does not carry direct statutory responsibilities and accountability for the performance of the academy, which are carried by The White Horse Federation (TWHF) board of trustees. Instead, the role is to monitor, challenge, support, and give advice.

The Local Governing Body (LGB)

The Ridgeway School is part of the The White Horse Federation (TWHF) multi-academy trust. TWHF board of trustees is legally responsible and accountable for the statutory functions, but have clearly identified the areas of responsibility which they have delegated to the LGBs.

The LGB is made up of a mixture of staff, parents, and co-opted governors to provide a balance of skills, expertise, and stakeholder representation. For example, parent governors are vital to the LGB as they ensure that highest priority is given to the concerns and issues which are most important to our parents, and ensure that the LGB is kept in close touch with parent opinion. Co-opted governors bring specific experience from their working life, such as safeguarding, health and wellbeing, and governance. In addition, associate governors can be appointed to provide advice and support in specific areas, or for specific projects, if and when needed. A brief summary of the key responsibilities and expectations of governors is shown below.

Local Governors are appointed to provide:

  • Strong links between our academy and the community we serve.
  • A wide experience of the outside world.
  • An independent view.
  • A focus on long-term development and improvement.
  • Support and challenge for the principal and staff.

Local Governors are expected to:

  • Attend meetings (usually Mondays or Thursdays, 6-7.30pm) of the full Local Governing Body (6 per year) and Committees (6 meetings per year)
  • Visit school as a ‘governor champion’ and report back.
  • Work as a member of the LGB (not as an individual) in the best interests of the academy and TWHF.
  • Show an interest in academy activities.
  • Become well informed about education in general and about our academy in particular.
  • Become familiar with the rules of governance within TWHF.
  • Keep up to date with changes in education legislation.
  • Attend training courses, where appropriate.

Local Governors are also involved in:

  • Senior staff appointments.
  • Student discipline panels.
  • Parental complaints.
  • Staff discipline/appeals.
  • The curriculum.
  • Community links.

Benefits of being a local governor:

  • The knowledge that you are helping our students.
  • The satisfaction of giving something back to the community.
  • A sense of purpose and achievement.
  • New skills which may be useful elsewhere.
  • Broader horizons.

What local governors give:

  • Time (approximately six to 10 hours a month).
  • A willingness to learn.
  • A listening ear and enquiring mind.
  • The ability to assimilate information, ask questions, make judgements, and take decisions.
  • The ability to work as part of a team.

A Word from the Chair — Liz Palfrey

I have been a governor for over ten years, and Chair of Governors since 2013. I am very fortunate to be part of a dedicated team of governors, who are willing to put in time to help ensure the best progress and overall education for every student within the Ridgeway School and Sixth Form College. We see this as a combination of both academic success, and involvement in extracurricular activities (for example: sporting, music & drama and support in the community).

As part of The White Horse Federation (TWHF), the statutory obligations of governors are dealt with centrally by TWHF Board of Trustees. This allows us as governors of a Local Governing Board to focus on providing challenge and support for improvements in teaching and learning and the curriculum. As the LGB Chair, I meet regularly with the other LGB Chairs within the WHF to share good practice, and feedback to, and receive feedback from, the Main Board of Trustees.

The Ridgeway LGB currently has a main meeting, plus a separate committee meeting each term which reports back to the full Local Governing Board to help us to focus on specific key areas in more depth:

Teaching and Learning – Focus on curriculum, educational standards and student progress.

Student and Staff Wellbeing and Community– Focus on behaviour, attendance, student welfare, Health and Safety, and student and parental engagement and links to the community.

An example of some of the discussion points over the past few months have been about:

  • Changes in the Behaviour for Learning Policy to promote good learning behaviours in all students, and consistency in its use.
  • How to ensure all areas of the academy consistently deliver excellent outcomes for all students; for example changes to the assessment, monitoring and evaluation of student progress.
  • Changes to the curriculum and examinations, and what it means to our students and staff.

If you have further questions about how we as an LGB works, or would like to know more about how to get involved as a governor, then please contact the clerk to governors or you can write to me at The Ridgeway School, Inverary Road, Wroughton, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN4 9DJ.


Adrian Cush

Adrian Cush


Nicola Stanton

Nicola Stanton

Co-opted Governor

Roland Pease

Roland Pease

Co-opted Local Governor

Liz Palfrey

Liz Palfrey

Chair of Governors & Co-opted Governor

David Parsons

David Parsons

Co-opted Governor

Chris Atkins

Chris Atkins

Staff Governor

Obaid Rahman

Obaid Rahman

Parent Governor

Tim Whitcher

Tim Whitcher

Register of Interests 2024-25 & Attendance 2023-24

Community Local Governors are elected by the LGB and Parent Local Governors are elected by parents of the school.

Name Role Position/Name of Organisation Nature of Interest Date Registered Date Ceased Terms of Office Attendance 2023-2024
Chris Atkins Staff Governor Nil Nil 17.10.24 - 9/11/23 - 8/11/27 5/6
Adrian Cush HT Governor Nil Nil 20.1.25 - n/a 8/8
Liz Palfrey Chair of Governors, Co-opted Local Governor None Nil 23.9.24 - 12/12/22 - 11/12/26 7/8
David Parsons Co-opted Governor Child with EHCP at school   1.9.24 - 04/11/22 - 13/11/26 8/8
Roland Pease Co-opted Local Governor Roland Pease Science Media Freelance Journalist 18.10.24 - 18.1.24 - 17.1.28 5/8
Obaid Rahman Parent Governor None Nil 7.10.24 - 4.12.23 - 3.12.27 4/6
Nicola Stanton Co-opted Governor Ministry of Defence Employee 7.10.24 - 21/03/22 - 20/03/26 6/8
Tim Whitcher Co-opted Local Governor Nil   13.9.24 - 22.4.24 - 21.4.28 3/3


Previous Governors (resigned in last 12 months)

Wayne Morris (Co-opted Governor) - left 16.12.23 (attended 0 out of 13 meetings in 2022/23 and 0 out of 2 meetings in 2023/24)

Martin Keise (Co-opted Governor) - left 19.5.24 (attended 5 out of 6 meetings in 2023/24)

Rob Beale (Parent Governor) - left 16.9.24 (attended 7 out of 8 meetings in 2023/24)

Andrew Prowse (Co-opted Governor) - joined 18.1.24 and left 7.11.24 (attended 3 out of 6 meetings in 2023/24)

Liz Palfrey (Chair of Governors and Safeguarding Governor Lead)

I became a governor at the Ridgeway whilst my sons were at the school over 10 years ago. Initially I concentrated on student welfare and behaviour as chair of the students and community committee, before becoming the Chair in 2013. I am an engineer who has worked in engineering consultancy for many years, and bring experience in all aspects of management, quality assurance, data analysis and process improvement. I completed the NCTL Chair of Governors’ Leadership Development Programme in 2014 to better equip me to be Chair. As a governor, I aim to support and challenge the school to provide the best education and widest range of experiences possible so that each and every student can achieve their full potential to equip them for their future life.

Roland Pease

I have been a parent governor at the Ridgeway School since 2008. I have two children at the school, and three who attended in the past. I am a freelance science writer and broadcaster, currently presenting two programmes on the BBC World Service. On the governing body I have worked for many years in curriculum matters, in particular with Science, Computing and Maths. I also support governance work with regard to student behaviour and welfare, often leading on initiatives to support improvement to student behaviour, attendance and mental health. I am keen to ensure that the school continues to provide a balanced education to all pupils, regardless of academic ability, and to prepare all students for adult life.

Nicola Stanton

I joined the Ridgeway LGB in March 2022 as a co-opted Governor. I am a Civil Servant in the Ministry of Defence, with experience of regulation and programme management in technical environments. Previously, I was a post-doctoral research fellow at a university. I am keen to support The Ridgeway School in providing the best possible experience for students and ensuring everyone has the opportunities to achieve their potential, developing their confidence and belief in their own abilities, both academically and in extra-curricular activities. I am also a Scout Leader in Wichelstowe, helping young people to explore and learn skills for life.

David Parsons

I have 20 years' experience operating in a highly regulated environment (Financial Crime prevention in Financial Services), which has included establishing and operating effective governance procedures…and learning from issues that arise when governance has failed. I joined the LGB in October 2022 to put this experience to good use in helping the local community and to experience / learn from a different sector. As my eldest son is autistic, I have a passion for supporting children with SEN needs and understand the difference it can make when schools get it right, hence it was natural to volunteer for the 'SEN Link' governor role.

Chris Atkins 

I joined Ridgeway as a Science Teacher in 2020 and began as a Staff Governor in 2023. As someone that grew up in East London as a child that received free school meals, I have aimed to always support the most disadvantaged in education and ensure there is equality and equity for everyone regardless of circumstances. As a staff governor, I hope to provide insight on pedagogy and provide in depth knowledge about our student population as well as how the school operates on a daily basis. In addition, I am excited to work with the rest of the LGB to ensure the school can provide the best education and support for all its students and prepare them to be well-rounded individuals.

Obaid Rahman

I joined the LGB as a parent governor in order to play a more active role in my children's educational journey. Having dedicated over 20 years to a career in IT, I feel it is the appropriate stage to invest time in giving back to the community with the aim of delivering a positive impact. In terms of what I aim to bring to the role, I believe in fostering an environment where students not only learn academically but also develop crucial life skills. This is specifically where I hope to make a difference as I have a genuine passion for mentoring as a means for students to achieve their full potential in both their current educational setting and also in their broader future pursuits.

Tim Whitcher

I joined Ridgeway as a Governor in 2024 through the AtkinsRéalis STEM Governor Scheme - aimed at getting more scientists and engineers into schools. When not here, I split my time between practising engineering as a Technical Director for AtkinsRéalis and teaching it at Birmingham City University and UCL. As you might have guessed, I am passionate about all aspects of STEM and encouraging students to explore the opportunities from apprenticeships to PhDs but critically with an appreciation for the arts to allow them to build a brighter future for us all. As a Governor, I will always look to ensure we are giving the greatest opportunities to our students and delivering a curriculum which gives them a head start in life.


Become a Governor

Would you like to see Ridgeway School and Sixth Form College grow and develop so that all our students have the opportunity to achieve their potential? Would you like to play your part in this? If so, click the button below for more information.

Updated: 07/02/2025 5.37 MB

The White Horse Federation Governance Information

Click on the button below to access TWHF governance information, including:

  • Annual report
  • Annual audited accounts
  • Memorandum of association
  • Articles of association
  • Names of charity trustees and members
  • Funding agreement
  • Gender Pay Gap Report
  • Higher Paid Staff reports