Last month, the Drama Department took its production of ‘Innocent Creatures’ to our partner theatre, The North Wall, as part of their National Theatre Connections weekend. Our twenty-one cast members and two fantastic Year 11 helpers, Sophie Newman and Alfie Allison, had an excellent time being involved in a number of workshops, including Stage Combat and Physical Theatre. In the evening, our brilliant cast performed ‘Innocent Creatures’ to a public audience, and what an outstanding performance it was. Our students have shown such commitment and growth throughout this process, and they definitely completed the experience on a high.

Our day at The North Wall was a perfect close to our National Theatre Connections adventure, affording our students the opportunity to explore and build their Drama skills in a professional environment, and instilling in them a significant sense of creativity, pride, and dedication.


Everyone in the Drama Department and CPA Faculty is immensely proud of the students involved and delighted to have shared this enriching opportunity with them.

Mr Lloyd.




On Thursday we had our annual Culture Appreciation Day and what a fantastic day it was! It was so wonderful to celebrate the different cultures with our Ridgeway Family. Thank you to all the students who went above and beyond to by not only coming to school dressed to impress but also sharing exciting stories and foods that represent them. Proud to be Ridgeway!

May we also take this opportunity to wish all those celebrating Eid a lovely weekend of celebrations.


Looking forward to Culture Appreciation Day 2024!




On Tuesday 9th May the Year 12 Geography and Tourism students visited Brighton to complete fieldwork, with the aim to practice for their upcoming NEAs (Non-Examined Assessments).


The day started off with some slightly miserable weather, but this didn’t dampen our excitement! On arrival, we had a classic Brighton welcome, with a well-aimed seagull dropping on and on the bus. We were eager to get started on our fieldwork investigation and get far away from the greatly-criticised bus seats. After a quick brief from Miss Slater on how to use the equipment, we were set free onto Brighton Beach to start our investigations.


We had great fun investigating beach profile, groyne drop height, sediment analysis, and longshore drift. This was despite being faced with challenges such as walking a long way to take samples at groynes and having an opportunistic seagull steal the apple for our longshore drift investigation! By this point the sun had come out, so they we were all still in high spirits for our clone town and retail surveys in The Lanes.


After a well-deserved lunch, it was time to go on the Brighton i360 tower, which was meant to give us a clear 360Ëšview of the city. Unfortunately, the clouds had once again descended in perfect time for their ride on the giant glass pod so the supposedly stunning view of Brighton was slightly obscured! Finally, it was time to head back to the Travelodge, where we had some free time to explore and get some dinner.


In the morning we headed back out into the Churchill square shopping centre to continue our human geography investigations (and build their own Lego mini figures along the way!). Thankfully, the sun was out all day for their visit to Brighton Dome, North Laine and to compare two contrasting residential areas. Assessing housing quality, pedestrian and traffic counts, car age surveys, and testing out our ArcGIS surveys. We had a quick visit to look at regeneration in Brighton Marina before a 2-hour bus journey saw us back at school and ready to go home. Thank you to all our fellow Year 12 students for working well together, the teachers for letting us out of school, especially so near to our exams, and Miss Slater and Mr Bessant for supporting us on the trip.


Article written by Olivia Tubb and Charlotte Whinton-Brown (Year 12 Geography students)




On Wednesday 10th May. Year 11 played in the annual Year 11 Cup Match. X Vs Y Band. The game started off fierce and competitive and Y-Band took an early lead from JS. Y-Band then took a 2 goal lead shortly after. After a few chosen words at halftime from the X-Band managers, X-Band started to build up play and within 10 minutes of the second half had grabbed a goal back through JE, which exited Mr Wakefield and Mrs Power enough to invade the pitch and join in with the celebrations. The game finished 2-1 to Y-Band and Y-Band lifted the cup for the class of 2023.


Mr Wakefield




On Friday 12th May. Year 11 spent the afternoon celebrating their final days in lessons before their exams would kick off on Monday. Year 11 students took part in a variety of different activities, including an aerial drone photograph, they were given their leavers hoodies and a starter platter before an early lunch. In mentoring they were given personalised postcards from their mentors and took part in the annual school leaver walk through, joined by Year 13 who missed out on this occasion 2 years ago, due to the pandemic. Finally, they had their final assemblies and were given awards for house points, recognition for their hard work over the course of the year, and sent good luck messages from the leadership team, Year 11 team and their teachers.




On Friday 28th April, FOR:CE (the school’s PTA) organised and held a quiz in order to raise funds for the school and for Prospect Hospice. It is the first time in a few years that a quiz has been held at the school and with a variety of rounds from Children's TV to Opening lines from famous books, the questions were challenging! Whilst the quiz was happening, the mocktails were flowing, and Soraya’s samosas were very much enjoyed by everyone. Thank you to all the teams who participated; we had a range of local residents, families of current students, previous students, and staff. The winners were the leadership team (made up of the Head, Deputy Heads, and Assistant Heads) who donated their winning prize back to the PTA. Thank you to all the parents, staff, and student helpers who made this event a success. We raised £230 in total to be shared between the PTA and Prospect Hospice.

Our next event is the Summer Fete on Saturday 1st July, 11am – 3pm. Hope to see as many people there as possible!

Mrs J Meredith




Last Sunday (14th May), the PE Department took a group of Year 9 and 10 students who had represented Ridgeway in basketball to watch the British Basketball Finals at the O2 Arena in London. We watched the best two teams play for the winning title. For both male and female teams, it was the Leicester Riders vs the London Lions. Both games were highly competitive and students thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Miss A Pryer