As part of the Coronation celebrations, Gardening Club were lucky enough to mark the occasion by planting an apple tree in the orchard at the front of our school. Hopefully, students and staff, as well as the local community, will be able to enjoy the fruits of our labour as we look forward to the reign of King Charles III. Mr Burtwell




Our Year 7 Gr8 Book Debate reading team attended an interim meeting at Great Western Academy to have a mini debate about the books read so far. Opinions were strong, voices were heard, and predictions were made as to the ultimate winner which will be voted on at our final meeting to be held at our school on 5 July. We all agreed it was a fab visit to another school and we loved having a nosy around their library! Mrs Day & Mrs Tonkin




On Friday 12th May Year 13 celebrated their final assembly by dressing up as ‘What I wanted to be when I was younger’. There were Teletubbies, Pilots, Princesses, and footballers to name a few. It was a brilliant day that ended with a formal final assembly where students were awarded student of the year awards for their efforts within subjects as well as the mentors sharing their well wishes and good lucks for the future. We wish all of year 13 the best of luck with their exams and shared a final few words from the R6 Leadership team:


Congratulations, Year 13,

You've reached the end of this routine.

R6 won't be the same,

Without you, it will be so lame.


So with a little prod,

It's time to leave R6, oh my God!

You've worked hard to reach this point,

Now it's time to rock and roll, and leave this joint.


Remember, the road ahead may be tough,

But you've got what it takes, that's enough.

You're strong, you're brave, you're kind,

And you've got a brilliant mind.


You've got the talent, you've got the style,

You're ready to go the extra mile.

So go out there and shine bright,

And never give up without a fight.


Remember, you're never alone,

We are here for you, on the phone.

So go out and make your mark,

And don't forget to light up the dark.


So to this Year 13 crew,

You're amazing, you're awesome, but it’s time to bid R6 Adieu.

May your journey be filled with good vibes,

And follow your heart no matter what it decides.




Now in our second year, the PTA (FOR:CE) needed a logo. We asked the Art department to get some students to create their designs, based on a brief. The winning logo was then made into a digital version by our Reprographics and Presentation Manager.

The winning design was created by Isabelle in Year 10. To reward and thank her, the PTA bought some graphics pens and water-colour pencils for her to explore her talents even more. Below she is pictured with two friends who helped her create the logo (Gabriella and Taylin).




It was an interesting dystopian concept of an epidemic of blindness. However, a difficult read for the grammar police, lacking punctuation for speech, making it a dense read. Despite this the writing style was unique often using an identifying feature or the job title of the character rather than names which added to the depth of the characters and at times the difficulties could be positive as it encouraged thought provoking conversations and plenty of philosophical debates, spurred on by the narrator’s inner dialogue. But it did make it difficult to pickup after long intervals of not reading


This would be appropriate and enjoyable for KS4 and Sixth Form, but due to the explicit and difficult nature of the themes explored it would not be recommended for KS3. Overall if you’re looking for a challenging, mature, and thought provoking read, this is it.

Jaz Cottrell and Ruby Dosanjh ~ R6 book club