We are extremely proud of Sanjay, John, and Ben for winning first place in the International ROC Competition 2023. This is an incredible feat, and we are so happy that all of their hard work paid off. To read more about their accomplishment, click here:

Mr J Vincent




Thank you to everyone who came to support The School Fete on Saturday and helped make the Nearly New School Uniform Sale a huge success again. We made a grand total of £1,040 for the school and will be using the proceeds to restock our Uniform Store.

Another big thank you goes to all of the parents/carers who have donated school uniforms. This is such a help to the students who have forgotten or lost their own uniform and is used by dozens of students every day. PLEASE do continue to donate your child’s school uniform if you can, which can be dropped off at the Front Office or the Uniform Office.


If your child is eligible for Disadvantaged Pupil Premium Funding or you are finding it a real struggle to buy school uniforms, please do let me know. Mrs Sarah Hill, Pupil Premium Manager email: .

Mrs S Hill




On Thursday 29th June we took 12 Year 9 students to the Introduction of the Villiers Park Future Leaders Programme 2023. This programme is designed to support the students throughout the next 4 years of their education and into University, an apprenticeship, or the workplace. Many factors were taken into account when choosing the students, however, their motivation, commitment, and willingness to strive to achieve their absolute best shone through.


During the event our students entered into a competition, with other Swindon schools, to make the tallest, free standing object using just marshmallows and spaghetti! The students worked really hard together with some fantastic team work to make the winning object. Well done to all involved and I am so looking forward to working with you on this programme over the next few years.

Mrs S Hill





On Friday 23rd June we celebrated with the Class of 2023 at Chiseldon House for the annual R6 Leavers Ball. It was a fantastic evening with a formal dinner followed by fun in the 360 photo booth and lots of dancing! It was a beautiful summer's evening, where students enjoyed the fabulous weather sharing memories with one another in the courtyard. Thank you to the staff and parents who joined us to celebrate the unique Year 13 cohort and all their achievements. We look forward to seeing all students on results day. Miss S Collins