In June, Miss Ornov and four R6 students traveled along with 20 others from neighbouring Whitehorse Federation schools to Thailand


Students spent a week in Mae Sariang volunteering in a local school. Students delivered workshops on Health, financial awareness, and sports. Our students supported the planning and delivery and really stepped out of their comfort zone! Students explored cultural stereotypes and worked hard on breaking down the language barrier. In addition, the project participants took part in Community Clean Up and Tree planting along with the local students who have been more confident to introduce the group to their community. With the bravery to speak up in English, the group has learnt a lot from the students. On that day, 150 trees were given and planted at the school. With this, we could reduce a great number of carbon footprints!


At the weekend, students travelled to the busy and vibrant Chang Mai! Students explored local temples, markets and even a cat café!


Their final week was spent at The Elephant Nature Park where our students got stuck into the care and wellbeing of the rescued elephants. Students were able to hear from the park's founder Saengduean Lek Chailert. Lek’s passion for elephants began at an early age when her grandfather, a traditional healer, was gifted an elephant named Thong Kham, which Lek grew to love and care for deeply. After witnessing the mistreatment and suffering of many elephants in the tourism industry, Lek began providing medical aid to elephants in remote villages. In the 1990s, Lek started rescuing injured, neglected, and elderly elephants and established Elephant Nature Park in Northern Thailand in 2003 as a permanent homeland for them.


Overall, our students left as Global Citenzs and newfound knowledge to share with those around them!