On Wednesday, the students participated in an immersion day.


There was a range of activities with year groups undergoing various different tasks. In Year 7, the team was tasked with bringing literacy to life. To make this as fun and engaging as possible we decided to stage a crime scene investigation. All the students spent the day cracking the case and the planned activities encouraged them to develop their reading and inference skills, consider their language choices and extend their vocabulary. It was a huge success and it was wonderful to see the students so engaged and immersed in the activities planned whilst also developing a love of literacy.


Students commented on how much they enjoyed the day, the buzz around the school extended into break and lunchtime with students creating wanted posters, interrogating staff members, and deciphering clues which each other. They were completely invested in the investigation and relished the role of super sleuths! It was a fantastic day enjoyed by students and staff alike.


Mrs K McLaughlin