The incorporation of information literacy skill development in library lessons has dominated this term. Year 7 focused on book navigation and research skills including developing their own research question highlighting the importance of keywords. These lessons were undertaken collaboratively with the Science Faculty and the students focused on Earth Day 2024 – Planets versus Plastics. Year 8 learnt about Fake News and the weird and wonderful information that is presented to us all daily, the motives and impact of it, as well as practical tips about how to spot it – something that is getting harder by the day! Year 9 focused on academic integrity, both in their regular library lessons and in a cross-curricular session with MFL, using their book navigation skills to seek out facts about their chosen country, write a sentence in French, German or Spanish and then create a basic reference detailing their information source. The academic integrity theme continued with Year 10 and 12 students who were updated on the guidelines issued by the JCQ (Joint Council for Qualifications) related to AI Tool (ChatGPT, Snapchat My AI etc.) use in assessments/exams. 

We were excited to be notified that Year 7 student Jennie was one of only 20 students nationwide shortlisted for the National Literacy Trust’s Wicked Writers Competition – the theme of which was to write about what environmental change is needed to make our world a better place. Jennie has now had her entry published in the associated Anthology. The icing on the cake is that she has also won some environmental themed books for the library, so we are all winners. Congratulations Jennie!

You can always follow what is going on in The Ridgeway School LRC by following @ridgewayread on X (formerly Twitter).   Mrs Day & Ms Bridgewater 




On Friday, our Year 10 design & technology students were lucky enough to have a senior model maker from Dyson, visit our D&T department. During the experience, the students were walked through what a day in the life as a model maker at Dyson looks like and in groups, were tasked to create initial prototype models for their own designs, to solve an air filtration problem. The students gained a memorable, hands-on experience of being a model maker, as they each prepared a presentation, to illustrate their design to the group. The students thought on their toes and quickly found solutions, as their ideas & models were questioned and investigated by their peers and workshop lead. We saw drone, ceiling mounted, backpack style & even robotic design ideas, with the final 2 winning groups being Joseph Woodman, Thomas Reeves & Harrison Rodgers. 

Congratulations to all students involved and what a great experience to inspire our Year 10 budding designers, as they approach the start of their coursework-based assessment, in design & technology for GCSE, at the start of next month.   Mrs J Possamai



On Wednesday 8th May, we took a group of Year 12 students to visit the University of Reading. They were given a tour of the campus by student ambassadors from the university, who talked about their own experiences of student life, their different degree subjects, university societies and career prospects. They also took part in workshops on careers, different pathways, subject choices and applying to university.


Fianna, Year 12 student

For me, my experience in the University of Reading trip was so memorable. From the beautiful greenery, city centre inspired main area and the student ambassadors! They were all so welcoming and approachable which I absolutely adored. Beforehand, I was quite unsure as to what to do for my next steps. However, after this trip it made me feel confident as I now have a better understanding about the considerations when choosing the right university. Through my conversations with the ambassadors, I had the opportunity to gain insight into their student life and experiences which was a huge eye-opener for me.