Avebury House

Welcome to Avebury House!

My name is Mr Lloyd. I am so proud and excited to become Head of Avebury House. Having been an Avebury mentor for two years, I have a strong allegiance with your house and it is a privilege to be given this particular role. I am committed to the House aim of creating an inclusive community within which all students can develop strong and supportive relationships through a wide range of activities and healthy competition, and achieve a sense of pride and belonging.

Of late, lockdowns and COVID protocols have had a great impact upon how the House system has functioned. The House Team is determined to re-energise our community and culture, and I am really looking forward to playing my part in further developing the energy, fun, teamwork and competitive spirit of Avebury.

During 2020/21, it has been a delight to see your involvement in all the activities on offer, including Bake Off, House quizzes, and sporting and creative challenges. From September, it will be even more exciting to witness and encourage your participation in a fresh range of activities and large-scale competitions. The House Team have big plans for the coming year and there will be loads of opportunities to get involved.

Please do not hesitate to contact me or approach me during the school day. As your Head of House, I am always here to support, guide, and encourage, and I welcome any ideas and suggestions.

I cannot wait to get started and to see you representing your House in a range of fantastic activities!


Twitter: @HouseRidgeway

Dr J Lloyd

Dr J Lloyd Head of House for Avebury