Kennet House

Welcome to Kennet corner!

My name is Ms Mackie I am a teacher of Science and I have the privilege of also being Head of Kennet House. My aim is that Kennet House a source of entertainment, inclusion and collaboration. I look forward to working with you to try and make our house the best house!

There is plenty to get involved in for your house, I particularly enjoy the rewards trip each term that the house team host for those students who are positively representing the Ridgeway values and winning lots of house points for themselves and their house.

Sports Day of course was a really enjoyable day right at the end of the summer term lots of energy, competition and teamwork for everyone involved - me included, already looking forward to the next one. The house team run lots of fun events throughout the year with something for everyone Bake Off, Ridgway's Got Talent, Art, Quizzes and more - so why not join in the fun?

Please don't hesitate to get in touch with your ideas and suggestions, and, above all, do get involved!

Miss V Mackie

Miss V Mackie Teacher of Science / Head of Kennet