Silbury House

I have been a member of Silbury House since I arrived at the Ridgeway, four years ago, and I am immensely proud to now become the Head of Silbury House this year. I believe that after 18 months of being individuals, it's really time we came together to create an even stronger sense of community and belonging within the Ridgeway.

After seeing the fantastic work they have done throughout the school, I am looking forward to working with the other three Heads of Houses. There are four different personalities in the House Team, and this blend will work well as we all have the same desired goal. We hope to be as inclusive as possible, and create a sense of togetherness for both staff and students, where they can showcase their skills and passions.

My teaching subject is Computer Science and I plan to bring the energy and hard work I put into my subject, into the house team. Like anyone, I want to continue to improve and develop, so I will always be open to feedback from students and staff, and how they feel we can move forward as a house.

Former Arsenal Captain, Tony Adams, once said: "Play for the name on the front of the shirt and they will remember the name on the back" - I follow this quote closely, and hope to be able to instil this positive attitude into Silbury House, and throughout the school.

Mr R Hurd

 Mr R Hurd Head of Silbury House